View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000268Ecere SDKidepublic2016-04-19 05:19
Reportersacrebleu Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeveritytweakReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Target Version0.46 eC II 
Summary0000268: editor should evaluate and notify (highlight) areas with uncast types
DescriptionThe editor could figure out:

word x;
int y;
float z;

z=y+x; <-- would be highlighted with a warning: Needs a typecast!
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0000302 new highlighting and color saving 
related to 0000391 new Highlight Called Expression when showing parameters 
related to 0000251 new smart highlighting: tracking matched and unmatched braces et al 
related to 0000488 new ide: codeeditor: Syntax Highlighting For other languages 



2009-10-20 05:24

reporter   ~0000125

maybe only do this for int, float, word, etc, not pointers?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-10-20 05:22 sacrebleu New Issue
2009-10-20 05:22 sacrebleu Status new => assigned
2009-10-20 05:22 sacrebleu Assigned To => jerome
2009-10-20 05:24 sacrebleu Note Added: 0000125
2009-11-27 16:38 sacrebleu Assigned To jerome => redj
2010-04-13 20:59 sacrebleu Assigned To redj => thexa4
2010-07-26 16:26 redj Relationship added related to 0000489
2010-07-26 16:27 redj Relationship added related to 0000488
2010-07-26 16:28 redj Relationship added related to 0000302
2010-07-26 16:28 redj Relationship added related to 0000391
2010-07-26 16:29 redj Relationship added related to 0000251
2010-08-07 17:45 jerome Assigned To thexa4 =>
2010-08-07 17:45 jerome Status assigned => new
2012-03-08 16:52 redj Target Version => 0.45 Ginkakuji
2012-03-29 07:52 redj Category => ide
2012-03-29 07:52 redj Project @3@ => Ecere SDK
2012-05-29 15:23 jerome Relationship deleted related to 0000489
2014-07-11 18:32 jerome Target Version 0.45 Ginkakuji => 0.46.1
2016-04-19 05:19 jerome Target Version 0.46.1 => 0.46 eC II