View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000185Ecere SDKide:autocompletepublic2014-07-11 18:21
Reporterjerome Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Target Version0.46 eC II 
Summary0000185: AutoComplete: Window:: in filling up method overriding
Description   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> I have a class that has virtual double Window::f(double x);, and when I create an instance of one of these in my Window, it autocompletes like this:
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> FunctionGrapher arcsine {this;
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> double Window::f(double x)
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> {
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> return 0;
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> }
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> };
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> after I type double f(
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> after this;
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> so when I type:
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> FunctionGrapher arcsine {this;
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> double f(
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> It autocompletes to that
   [Mon:19:47] <joeyadams> but I don't want the Window:: there
   [Mon:19:48] <joeyadams> It works when Window:: isn't there, and it lets me access members of my Form1 that couldn't be accessed with the Window:: there

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-05-03 06:05 jerome New Issue
2012-03-08 16:52 redj Target Version => 0.45 Ginkakuji
2012-03-29 07:52 redj Category => ide
2012-03-29 07:52 redj Project @3@ => Ecere SDK
2014-02-22 18:27 jerome Category ide => ide:autocomplete
2014-07-11 18:21 jerome Target Version 0.45 Ginkakuji => 0.46 eC II