SmartOpenFile issue [OP]EditBox.HasXXScroll issue

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Re: SmartOpenFile issue [OP]EditBox.HasXXScroll issue

Post by jerome »

Hi Sam,

There are tons of different reasons why you may come up with these issues.

But usually it's either:

- Some non-standard C in the headers (or newer C standard that eC doesn't officially support yet, working our ways up from C89)
- Conflicts and clashes with existing eC constructs (even though in theory this should not happen, hopefully the next rework of the compiler will help with this!)

Normally though, it's trivial to work around these issues, so just bring them to my attention right away so you don't have to get depressed or discouraged :)

About this MS Access stuff, what API are you using? Is it going through ODBC? Have you started using EDA yet, which is our database abstraction layer with active records?
It would be nice if we could put together that ODBC driver for EDA!

Regarding SmartFileOpen, I have literally tons of fixes and improvements to the HTTP protocol and to the sample browser, and I even have https support now! I'm looking forward to pushing these commits, probably this weekend! The browser is now almost usable, if you ignore the lack of cookies, CSS and JavaScript (And the even fancier stuff like Flash and HTML 5) :D

But it's really not bad at all now, the crashes and hangs seem to be gone! For what was meant to be a small sample on how to use the HTTP(S) file handler and the HTMLView control... it could actually turn into a great browser one day, perhaps as a part of my envisioned eC web apps revolution :D


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Re: SmartOpenFile issue [OP]EditBox.HasXXScroll issue

Post by samsam598 »

Thanks.I will paste some code with fmmpeg lib to show the issue sometime later.Yes I know there is a great sound lib in eC and I'm loving it(the piano sample etc),but as you know sometimes when one doesn't know how to start with such a lib with classes,wrappers,a lot of stuffs inside,a pure c lib,its tutorials, documentations and a ready to go minimal example will help much to get some basic idea

For Ms Access via ODBC api ,no,I don't make it work as I did not go into it again.Sometimes really feel easier to work in c other than writing a class wrapper.But need to mention,utf8ToUTF16 is really great and very powerful.

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Re: SmartOpenFile issue [OP]EditBox.HasXXScroll issue

Post by jerome »

Hi Sam,

I've used FFMPEG in the Acovel Media Player.
It's going to be a full-fledged media library / player / video player.

Last I built Acovel I was using FFMPEG 0.5 however, so I need to update the code to the newer version and then I plan to improve it and open source it.

You can mix C and eC modules together in your project, but again there shouldn't be any major issue in writing C style code in eC modules.


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Re: SmartOpenFile issue [OP]EditBox.HasXXScroll issue

Post by samsam598 »

Just noticed the Web brower have been included in the sample.WOW!This is unbelievable!So many language over there for decades and only a couple of libraries has it's own Web component.Besides Qt's one,wxWidgets's one,I can't figure out which one else has this.All of them the source are huge.

Sorry can't recall where should I modify to support asian character in the htmlview(because the webpage been opened by the browser contains unrecognizable characters).Should I have to dig into the Html source?

Noticed from github ,HTTPFile has not been built from makefile,but can buld from project file.I tried to build ecere with existing IDE from makefiles.epj but it complained:

Code: Select all

Default Compiler
Building project Makefiles using the Common configuration...
   ..\..\lovedev\build\gcc\lib\libmingw32.a(main.o):main.c:(.text+0xd2): error: undefined reference to `WinMain@16'

Makefiles.exe (Common) - 1 error, no warning   

I know the project includes shared lib and static lib to be built,and also the IDE.exe to be built.So what should I modify the build target or any configuration?Thanks.

By the way,just noticed besides default compiler,I can add more compilers as well in the IDE.What else compiler been supported to ecere now?Thanks.I believe ecere has its own debuger(mingw's one?),but when there is something goes wrong in my code,Visual C++'s debuger pops up,how can I use ecere's default debuger instead?Thanks.

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Re: SmartOpenFile issue [OP]EditBox.HasXXScroll issue

Post by jerome »

Hi Sam!

I was going to notify you about this but I'm planning to improve the web browser a little bit more first :)

Regarding HTTPFile, are you talking about SSLSocket ? Because HTTPFile should always be built from either Makefile or Project file. It's the https support that is default in the Makefiles build right now because I don't want to add the OpenSSL libraries dependencies yet. But it will build https support by default if you build the ecere.epj from the IDE.

Makefiles.epj -- This is not a project to be built, it's just has all the makefiles in there for hand-editing them in the IDE. We might get rid of it if it causes confusion.

Just load up ide.epj and you can add multiple projects e.g. ecere.epj and ec.epj to your IDE workspace.

Compilers: you can configure cross-compilers for example MinGW or MinGW-w64 on Linux, they're quite easy to install now at least in Debian systems you just apt-get install the package, and then you can set them up there.
This is also for setting up Android either x86 or ARM compilers.

Or different versions of MinGW or gcc installed on your system.

We also started working on VisualStudio support, at least for building C/C++ solutions (not eC yet as the generated C code by the eC compiler now uses non-C89 features) but that's not working quite yet. But there's a hidden button in there (the paperclip) to detect and set up the VisualStudio compilers.

At this point Ecere is only tested with GCC, but you're welcome to try it with Clang and TinyCC, two other compilers we hope to support in the future!

Support for Asian characters, you mean the GBK support? That's one of the improvements I was hoping to do for you this week :) I need to recognize the encoding and convert the strings in TEXT HTML blocks to UTF-8. Please don't mind the source code for the browser too much, it was originally put together very quickly, in C so it's not very OO yet, to provide a way to easily format text and graphics in an old project (2004). Now it's also what powers the documentor.

At this point we don't have CSS support yet but that's the next thing I would like to add if we find time to spend on the browser. But first the code badly needs a big cleanup/re-factoring!

(No JavaScript or cookies either, but other than that it's starting to be quite able!)


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Re: SmartOpenFile issue [OP]EditBox.HasXXScroll issue

Post by samsam598 »

Support for Asian character----No,I don't mean has been redirected to in my country,it is unrecognizable too.Tested below several website:
Web encoding Chinese characters show utf-8 wrong utf-8 proper gb2312 wrong gbk wrong
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Re: SmartOpenFile issue [OP]EditBox.HasXXScroll issue

Post by jerome »

Hi Sam, is returning data in Big5 encoding.

GB2312 is a superseded version of GBK.

I'll see if I can add support for all these!

Unicode/UTF-8 is so nice though! A single encoding, ASCII compatible and standard for all languages :)
The only thing is that for most Asian characters it takes 3 bytes instead of only 2 like some of these encodings, a slight increase in size :)


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