Introducing the project...

Forum to discuss the development of the Ecere Desktop Environment
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Introducing the project...

Post by jerome »

One of goals we hope to accomplish with Ecere is to provide a simple, yet complete desktop environment built upon Ecere. One of the major advantages of this is of course the small footprint and dependencies list of Ecere compared to KDE/Qt or GNOME/GTK.

The Acovel Media Player and Ecere Communicator are projects for applications to include in the Ecere DE. Another important project is a graphical shell / file explorer. I attached some screenshots of what we have so far.
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Re: Introducing the project...

Post by jeffszusz »

I had a project in mind - a file manager / terminal hybrid. I wonder if maybe Ecere Explorer could benefit from the idea instead of trying to start a new file manager from scratch...

Rather than constantly switching between the file manager and a terminal application when working on a project, a programmer might find it handy to have both in split-screen format in a single application. Navigate to the proper directory, move or delete files, and perform other functions that a graphical file manager makes easy - but then execute a terminal command (such as a python script) in the same directory with ease.

The closest I could find to this idea was Hotwire, a text / graphical shell hybrid; but this is similar to to the old DOS Shell being married to the "Start > Run" dialog in windows; I'm picturing a fully fledged Nautilus or Finder app with a full terminal emulator tied together.

Anyone else think this could be an optional mode for Ecere Explorer?
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Re: Introducing the project...

Post by jerome »

jeffszusz wrote:Anyone else think this could be an optional mode for Ecere Explorer?
I think it should be the default mode! =)
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Re: Introducing the project...

Post by mothdragon »

I agree! That would be an awesome way to have a file explorer... Makes one wonder why it hasn't been done already...

Awesome suggestion!
--==[[ Mothdragon ]]==--
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Re: Introducing the project...

Post by redj »

I started this Ecere Explorer (you can see my snapshots up there) project a while ago and it's been lying dormant for a while now. I'll attempt to revive it in the next weeks and I will post about the progress.
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Post by redj »

I have some naming ideas here.

Ecere Organic Filer (EOF) ;-)

From organic definition and referring to 'organizing' your files.
  • characterized by the systematic arrangement of parts; organized; systematic: elements fitting together into a unified, organic whole.
  • Philosophy. having an organization similar in its complexity to that of living things.
Possible taglines.
  • eof, the end of filers.
  • eof is here, it's the end of all other filers.
Organic in conversation.
  • do you have Organic?
  • you should get it, it's the best file manager in the world.
  • is eof compiling?
Ecere Organic could be used to refer to the shell / desktop/ window manager / file manager as a whole and eof would designate the file manager more specifically.

What do you think? Anyone have ideas about how to make a 'living' GUI that can be qualified as organic?

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