Not compile successful.

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Not compile successful.

Post by nowind_lee »

I'm trying to compile ecere on windows xp, it's not successful at last. My steps are:

1. Download the latest file from "", the file is "mingw-get-inst-20110802.exe"

2. Install it, and choose anything expect last "mingw develop toolkit" to download

3. Installation complete, reboot the system.

4. download the sdk from's front page:, the target dir is: c:\ECERE_SDK

5. Install it

6. Cloned the sources from github by: git clone git://, the target dir is c:\ecere_sdk_from_git

7. I renamed "C:\ECERE_SDK\mingw\bin\make.exe" to "C:\ECERE_SDK\mingw\bin\mingw32-make.exe"

8. Download the "" from this post:, and unzip it to override "c:\ECERE_SDK".
(I'm not sure if this is necessary, but I did)

9. Download the 3 files in this post: , and extract them into "C:\ECERE_SDK\mingw"

10. Go to "c:\ecere_sdk_from_git", run:

Code: Select all

set path=C:\MinGW\bin;c:\MinGW\include;c:\MinGW\lib;c:\MinGW\include\gl;%PATH%
(thanks to samsam598's answer in another thread)

11. The console prints:
Bootstrapping eC compiling tools...
Building ecere...
Building ec...
Building ecp...
Building ecc...
Building ecs...
All done!
Building dependencies...
Building FreeType...
Building libjpeg...
Building libpng...
Building libungif...
Building zlib...
Building 2nd stage ecere...
Enabling 2nd stage binaries...
Building IDE...
Building epj2make...
Building Documentor...
C:\ecere_sdk_from_git\documentor\obj\release.win32\ error
: Couldn't open obj/release.win32\documentor.main.sym
mingw32-make[1]: *** [obj/release.win32/documentor.main.c] Error 1
mingw32-make: *** [documentor] Error 2
Still get the error of "Documentor", even if I had followed

Is there anything wrong?
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Re: Compiling successful.

Post by jerome »

nowind_lee, you have a lot of extra steps in there :D

The only thing you should need to build the latest Ecere SDK source on Windows is MinGW.
MinGW usually adds itself to the PATH as well.

So step 1/2, 6 and mingw32-make, mingw32-make install (In an elevated command prompt, 'Run as Administrator') should be all you need.

About step 4/5, Installing the Setup 0.43 for Windows is only useful if you chose to install the version of MinGW we prepackaged (alpha version of GCC 4.3), and then you need to do step 7 because we had renamed it to make.exe at the time and the IDE was expecting it as 'make' (no longer the case in the latest sources).

Step 8 'winbin' is also not necessary, because Ecere is bootstrapped, it doesn't require a previous version of Ecere installed to build.

And setting the paths in step 9 is not necessary because the MinGW installer or the Ecere Installer would automatically add MinGW to your path. Only if you have multiple versions of MinGW installed you might need to tweak the path. lib and include, include\gl do not go in the path either, PATH is only for finding .EXE or .DLL files.

Hope this clarifies things :)

All the best, and welcome back :)

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Re: Not compile successful.

Post by jerome »

Sorry, did you just edit the post? Last time I checked it it was missing the end of the log and the 'not' successful :P

See this thread about the missing gettext/libintl for Documentor failing.


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Re: Not compile successful.

Post by nowind_lee »

Yes, I edited this post. The compilation took a long time, and everything seems OK at first, so I write a "successful" post. But at last, there was an error about the documentor, so I changed it to "Not ...".

But I run the built "obj\win32\bin\ide.exe", it works fine, and the ide border has a windows xp feel now.

Please look at my step 9, I've download those files in the post. But the error still happened.
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Re: Not compile successful.

Post by jerome »

nowind_lee, that's very strange.

Can you verify if you have mingw\include\libintl.h in your MinGW directory?

That is from the first download.
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Re: Not compile successful.

Post by nowind_lee »

I just found they are in "C:\ECERE_SDK\mingw", not "C:\MinGW". So I extract them into "C:\MinGW".

But this time, there is another error:
Bootstrapping eC compiling tools...
Building ecere...
Building ec...
Building ecp...
Building ecc...
Building ecs...
All done!
Building dependencies...
Building FreeType...
Building libjpeg...
Building libpng...
Building libungif...
Building zlib...
Building 2nd stage ecere...
mingw32-make[1]: *** [nores] Error 1
mingw32-make: *** [ecere] Error 2
Could you please provided a built windows version, and add a link to the front page, which can be: "download current unstable version"? That users don't need to built it again.
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Re: Not compile successful.

Post by nowind_lee »

I will try a clean windows XP and reinstall everything tomorrow. Maybe I will make a screencast if possible for the error.
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Re: Not compile successful.

Post by jerome »

It looks like you have multiple MinGW installed, probably from the Ecere SDK installer and the MinGW you installed separately... It could be part of the problem. Taking out the .SILENT in the Makefiles would give more information.

Did you get any window popping up saying ecp or something crashed?
It could be a GCC version issue.

We're planning to put up an updated installer in the coming weeks, which will include the latest version of the Windows binaries. In the meantime the binaries you built earlier should be fine, only the Documentor and perhaps the EDA libraries didn't get to build properly.

Please let me know once you tried again tomorrow if you still cannot get the binaries to build, and I will post new Windows binaries on the forums.


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