1. Download the latest file from "http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw", the file is "mingw-get-inst-20110802.exe"
2. Install it, and choose anything expect last "mingw develop toolkit" to download
3. Installation complete, reboot the system.
4. download the sdk from http://www.ecere.com's front page: http://www.ecere.com/setup-ecere-0.43-win32.exe, the target dir is: c:\ECERE_SDK
5. Install it
6. Cloned the sources from github by: git clone git://github.com/ecere/sdk.git, the target dir is c:\ecere_sdk_from_git
7. I renamed "C:\ECERE_SDK\mingw\bin\make.exe" to "C:\ECERE_SDK\mingw\bin\mingw32-make.exe"
8. Download the "winbin.zip" from this post: http://ecere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=107&start=0, and unzip it to override "c:\ECERE_SDK".
(I'm not sure if this is necessary, but I did)
9. Download the 3 files in this post: http://www.ecere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=176 , and extract them into "C:\ECERE_SDK\mingw"
10. Go to "c:\ecere_sdk_from_git", run:
Code: Select all
set path=C:\MinGW\bin;c:\MinGW\include;c:\MinGW\lib;c:\MinGW\include\gl;%PATH%
11. The console prints:
Still get the error of "Documentor", even if I had followed http://www.ecere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=176.C:\ecere_sdk_from_git>mingw32-make
Bootstrapping eC compiling tools...
Building ecere...
Building ec...
Building ecp...
Building ecc...
Building ecs...
All done!
Building dependencies...
Building FreeType...
Building libjpeg...
Building libpng...
Building libungif...
Building zlib...
Building 2nd stage ecere...
Enabling 2nd stage binaries...
Building IDE...
Building epj2make...
Building Documentor...
C:\ecere_sdk_from_git\documentor\obj\release.win32\documentor.main.ec:1:1: error
: Couldn't open obj/release.win32\documentor.main.sym
mingw32-make[1]: *** [obj/release.win32/documentor.main.c] Error 1
mingw32-make: *** [documentor] Error 2
Is there anything wrong?