End-User Software
Acovel Media Player
Acovel is a library oriented media player based on FFMpeg libraries. At the moment, content must be imported into its database before it can be played, thus it is better suited for music collections than simple playback. Some features notably missing (which we hope to work on as soon as we have some time to put on this project): updating to a recent version of FFmpeg libraries, support for editing the database, playlist support and direct playback without importing into the library, video playback functionality. We have plans to open-source this project once that is done. Let us know if you would be interested to help.
Download Acovel 0.01 for Windows Download Acovel 0.01 for Linux -
S3M Player
Reminisce about the old days of awesome demos by playing back some old classics like the OST from Second Reality with this S3M player. This is a rather basic implementation with many missing effects and other things unsupported. Improvements welcome.
Download S3M Player for Windows Source Code -
Keyboard Piano
A very basic keyboard piano that will play sound files at a different pitches. Mainly meant as a sample for the EcereAudio library. Lower octave on QWERTY row and higher octave on ZXCVB row, with sharps in the rows above. F1-F4 to switch instrument sound.
Download Keyboard Piano for Windows Source Code -
FLI/FLC Player
A player for animations encoded in the FLI/FLC format, a previously popular format featuring a simple Run Length Encoding algorithm.
Download FLI/FLC Player for Windows
Source Code fli.ec - Source code for file format fliPlay.ec - Source code for playback
Ecere Communicator - XMPP/Jabber instant messaging
An instant messaging client for the XMPP/Jabber protocol (works with Google Chat). It used to support the MSN and AIM/ICQ networks as well until the servers changed protocols.
Download Ecere Communicator for: Windows or Linux -
eCom - A simple chat/file transfer client
A useful tool for direct file transfer. A single socket connection is established and used for all communication, requiring only one of either peers to provide firewall redirection. Use Ctrl-Enter to send a message.
Download eCom for Windows Download eCom for Linux Source Code -
Ecere Web Browser
A simple beginning for our own web browser. This is using our own HTML parsing and rendering engine, which is also powering Ecere Documentor. We would like to add support for other character encodings such as Big-5. This browser does not yet support CSS, which would be a next step. It does not attempt to comply to any standards at this point. There is no JavaScript support. Do not expect any kind of usability.
Ecere Web Browser for Windows Source Code for the Browser Source code for the HTMLView class
Ecere Fractals Explorer
Generate beautiful images from simple complex numbers mathematical equations with this tool to explore the Mandelbrot and related Julia Sets. Featuring smooth coloring, a gradient editor, arbitrary powers, custom image resolutions, image export, any number of iterations, loading and saving support, slide through iteration without recomputation and multi-core usage.
Download Ecere Fractals Explorer for Windows / Linux / Source Code -
Mandelbulb Raytracer
Explore the Mandelbulb, a 3D analogue of the Mandelbrot set, with this simple raytracing application. Be warned rendering takes a lot of time. Uses multiple CPU cores. At this point controls are somewhat obscure since there is no visual change until the next raytracing. Left-button drag to rotate the camera, use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, right-button drag to rotate the light. The 'S' key saves the image to output.png while the 'Space' stops or restarts rendering. Resize the window to change the image resolution. Tweak the code if you wish to experiment with a different number of iterations (hardcoded to 5) or for different lighting colors.
Mandelbulb Ray Tracer for Windows Source Code -
Note Pad
A very simple text editor put together in around 140 lines of code.
Will let you load and save text documents.
Note Pad for Windows Source Code -
3DS Model Viewer
A viewer for 3D models in the popular 3DS format. The Ecere IDE can also open 3DS models directly for preview when running with the OpenGL graphics driver. Press 'H' key to toggle help screen explaining controls.
3DS Model Viewer for Windows Source Code -
Color Spheres
Colorful spheres spinning and floating on your desktop and lit up by a light following your mouse position. Inspired by a similar application by Corey Tabaka. Mouse wheel will zoom in and out (things won't work too well if you zoom in too close). Just for fun.
Color Spheres for Windows Hiragana Cube and Color Spheres for Linux Source Code -
Hiragana Cube
A toy cube featuring hiragana (One of the Japanese syllabaries) on each face, spinning and floating on your desktop
Hiragana Cube for Windows Hiragana Cube and Color Spheres for Linux Source Code -
Ecere Cube
A translucent cube featuring the Ecere logo's eternity knot, spinning and floating on your desktop.
Ecere Cube for Windows Source Code
Showcasing using a texture with an alpha channel. -
Open Rider by Joey Adams
A simple physics simulation by Joey Adams allowing you to draw tracks and have a wheel roll on them. Supports free drawing, line drawing, left/right accelerator, normal track and zooming in and out.
Open Rider for Windows Source Code
A 3D game of Chess. It also features a 2D view, but the 2D pieces design is not as nice. Supports local, network play (connecting player is always White) and playing against AI (human player is always White). It detects stalemates, but is still missing the detection of other types of draws (threefold repetition, fifty move rule, impossible check mates). AI is not particularly knowledgeable but often turns out to be a good challenge unless you are a seasoned Chess player, analyzing two moves of each player ahead. Click and drag the board to rotate, click and drag the pieces to move.
Chess for Windows Chess for Linux Source Code -
Ruff Card Game
The game of Ruff, a 4-players trick-taking card game, played in teams of 2 vs 2, as played in Jérôme's family. Each of the 4 players can be a assigned a local, remote or computer (AI) player. Ideally only one player is Local as you'd otherwise see the cards in someone else's hands.
2, 3, 4 and 6 are taken out of the game, thus each player is dealt 9 cards. 5s are worth 5 points, 10s and aces are worth 10 points. At the start of the game, an auction for bids will establish a contract. The player winning the contract decides whether there is a trump or not. A trump can only be played if the player does not have any card of the leading suite in his hands. First team to reach 500 points wins the game.
The only feature still missing from this game is the 'Ruff' mode where one makes a bid to score 100 points (the maximum per round), and where his partner then offers to exchange him 2 cards and then refrains from playing for the round.As part of this project, I've spent a considerable time designing our own high resolution card deck, which is available here. The figures and Ace of Spade incorporated artwork from Vector Playing Cards by Byron Knoll, who released them in the public domain. His Ace of Spade itself is based on work by Suzanne Tyson. I redid all of the cards as I did not like the fonts, proportions and layout of the numbers and symbols, and wanted to ensure the layout of all cards lined up properly. The deck also includes jokers based on public domain art.
Ruff Card Game for Windows Source Code -
Corner Blocks
A popular typically 4 players board game (but playable in 1-3 players as well) where each player tries to place as many of his polyomino pieces, always touching at least one of his own pieces already on the board but only by the corners, while attempting to limit the playable board estate of other players. First piece placed on the board must touch the player's starting corner. Supporting networked game play. Use the mouse wheel to rotate the pieces and the right click to flip them.
Corner Blocks for Windows Source Code -
Classic crossword puzzle game, supporting up to 4 networked players. This implementation supports gameplay in both French and English.
Crosswords for Windows Source Code -
Classic tetrominoes game where pieces falling down must be arranged as neatly as possible to avoid reaching the top of available space. This is just a basic implementation with no level, goals, multiplayer capability or any other particularity.
Tetrominoes for Windows Source Code -
Stone Pairs
Somewhat of a twist on Tic Tac Toe on a 4x4 board, where pairing patterns allows to remove an opponent's stone. For the first turn, the player who goes first plays a single stone while for all futher turns two stones can be played. At the moment only local play is supported (2 human players).
Stone Pairs for Windows Source Code -
An implementation of the classic Reversi board game.
Supports local game (2 human players) or networked play.
Reversi for Windows Source Code -
Miniminalist Text RPG
A minimalist text RPG. Journey across a realm of adventure gaining experience, equipment and casting spells to save a princess from an evil sorcerer, all without leaving your text console. (Lots of fun guaranteed by under 600 lines of code)
Miniminalist Text RPG for Windows Source Code -
Tic Tac Toe
Classic Tic Tac Toe game. Only AI mode is supported at the moment, human player always goes first. Meant mainly as an introduction sample for the Ecere SDK, as expanded upon in this introduction to the Ecere SDK. As Tic Tac Toe can only be won if the opponent makes a mistake, the program is hardcoded to a 97% mastery level by default, whereas the computer will sometimes make a mistake and let the human player win. If set to 100%, the game can only result in a draw, or a win for the computer if the human player makes a mistake.
Tic Tac Toe for Windows Source Code