General help with the Ecere Cross Platform GUI toolkit: Window, common controls, events, etc.
Help with the 2D Graphics library: Surface, Display, Bitmap, Font and others.
Changed the display size but did not update the size of the mouse hot-box
The above only seemed to work in the class declaration as:
Window w { clientSize = { 300, 400 } };
In one window I have this doesn't seem to be effective and for some reason it is full screen, btw.
To resize a window, just do size = { 300, 400 } if you want to specify the size of the entire window including decorations, or clientSize = { 300, 400 } if you want to specify the size excluding the decorations.
I have no idea about that mouse hot-box issue, might be something to do with other windows around. I'd need to see the particular code.
As for the full screen window, would it be that you forgot to set a parent? That last Window instantiation you showed doesn't have a parent set. But then you're using the full screen mode, but I can't see why it would be bigger than 300 x 400?