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What does the main() look like?
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Author:  samsam598 [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  What does the main() look like?

I am wondering what the main() funtion has been organized?Is it something like below?

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class Form1:Window
Form1 form1;
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
    THE_MAIN_FORM=form1;// Global variable
    return 0;
And what if I want to show another window,say a splash window before the main windows shows?

Author:  jerome [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does the main() look like?

When you import Ecere, you pick up a default GUI Application class, called GuiApplication.

If you want to define your own Main() (declared as a virtual function in Application), or override Init(), Cycle() or Terminate(), you need to define your own Application/GuiApplication class.

e.g. a console Hello World would be:

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class Hello : Application
   void Main()
To create global window instances in a specific order you could do:

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class MyGUIApp : GuiApplication
   bool Init()
      return true;
MyForm form2 { };
MyForm form1 { };
The default order of window creations is otherwise controlled by the order in which you declare the instances. The order of eC module within your project also (sadly, at some point we should fix that, especially that we're still missing an item reordering in the Project View file list) have an impact (instances from modules added first are created first).

GuiApplication provides a default Main() method that creates all windows (unless their autoCreate property is set to false), and then run a GUI loop until no more windows are left.

If you override it, you lose this automatic functionality, so you have to make sure to put in your own loop, or chain to GuiApplication::Main(). Here is a very basic Main loop:

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class MyGUIApp : GuiApplication
   bool terminate;
   void Main()
         bool wait;
         wait = !ProcessInput(true);
         if(wait) Wait();
      return true;
MyForm form1 { };
You can also take a look at GuiApplication's Main() in sdk/ecere/src/gui/


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